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5+ Free Drink Menu Templates for Microsoft Word

Drinks are the most common form of food we intake in routine. Drinks are served everywhere, as at least the drinks will be served if nothing is offered at an event. It is the first and sometimes the last item to be served to the people. We are used to drinking water and that probably is the best thing we drink. But there is a variety of drinks that is also used in addition to the water. It depends on the taste and culture in general. Drinks are part of almost every food menu used at any level around us. But sometimes, separate drink menu templates in Microsoft Word formats are also developed by the business entities.

This is what happens when they are specialized in some drinks or when they want to make a separate offer. Every drink menu will be developed following the standard format. The designer will remain in touch with the stakeholders to carve the best possible stencil.

Steps involved in drafting a drink menu

Drafting a drink menu is a bit trickier as people might be thinking of offers and the price. Some menu engineers conjecture that keeping the costs somewhat discrete is always a helpful idea. But it is good to mention them separately at least, if not along with the drinks. The other steps to follow are described below.

Understand the menu engineering

Designing drink menu templates might look like a routine task, but complete engineering keeps working on the improvements. It keeps things moving forward by keeping the content fresh and useful. It works in the following three ways.

  • Reduces costs by eliminating the poor performing items from the list.
  • It highlights the profitable items and keeps the money flowing in.
  • It creates a system that continuously analyzes and improves the content of your menu—keeping it workable and well-designed all the time.

#1 – Bar and Lounge Drink Menu

Bar and Lounge Drink Menu Template for MS Word

#2 – Cocktail Drink Menu List

Free Cocktail Menu List Template - Word Format

#3 – Drink Menu List for a Cafe/Bar

Basic Drinks Menu List Design for a Cafe/Bar

#4 – Halloween Cocktails and Drinks Menu

Halloween Cocktails & Drinks Menu List Template

#5 – Wine Menu List

Free Wine Menu List Template in MS Word

Restaurant menu psychology basics

Understanding the restaurant menu psychology will help you design some awesome drink menu templates. Once you know how to maneuver the details, then you are bound to embrace success. Here are things to notice while looking to draft a drinks menu.

Eye movements

People tend to look at the top right and top left corner before getting to the middle of the page. Hence it is vital to bring the unique offers in these sections.

Descriptive language

A rich descriptive and enticing language is always good to use as compared to the cheesy typography. You can engage the viewer with an explanatory tone.


Pricing is vital when it comes to designing a spectacular menu. The best menus will always price items in round figures such as .99 or .95. It is bound to place some excellent impressions and will be able to grasp the attention at the same time.

Menu colors

Color psychology has its due impact on the viewers, and it particularly applies when we talk about food spots and restaurants. You can make good use of color psychology to make your drink menus look eye-catching.